Golden Thread 1 (12 sessions): Explore the beauty of your golden thread over twelve sessions that will follow your pace and intention. This is especially designed for people who seek in-depth change or would like to make a significant shift in their approach to work/life habits.

Fee: $1200

Golden Thread 2 (8 sessions):  Deepen your understanding of the golden thread, receive support for weekly goals and make life choices that will realign your life. You’ll experience a difference with 8 weeks of life coaching with someone you can trust and who will hold you accountable to make progress. Weekly emails and texts are welcome!  

Fee: $880

Golden Thread 3 (4 sessions):  Explore your golden thread patterns with a month of weekly coaching sessions (total of 4).  This is a way to dip your toe into coaching and see if it is a commitment you are ready to engage.     

Fee:  $480

Deep Dive Life Coaching Session: (120 Minutes) Schedule two hours of life coaching to do a deeper dive into issues that are critical to your well-being. Examples include long-range planning, life review, strategic thinking about priorities and life/work balance, processing grief/loss. Ten minute break between the two hours and a 10 minute assessment at the end. This time is a gift for you to focus on what is truly important in your life.

Fee: $300

Single Coaching Session:  Receive 60 minutes of expert, focused coaching as you seek to find clarity of the next best steps in your personal or professional life.  Reclaim your golden thread and find your inherent resilience!  

Fee:  $150